Aim to build a technological and scientific innovation event with global influence

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To boost innovation and development, the government in Hengqin has held the Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition since 2018 to support business teams with innovative ideas, key technological breakthroughs, and promising industrialization prospects. The winning team will be provided with prizes that may amount to 300 million yuan, with the prize for individual competitions reaching 100 million at most.

So far, Hengqin has successfully held two Hengqin Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship Competitions (HSTEC in short). A total of about 2,000 projects from the US, the UK, German, Japan, Singapore, and China have joined the competition,including integrated circuit, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, big data, new material, and other strategic emerging industries. HSTEC has become one of the scientific and technological entrepreneurship competitions with the largest scale, widest influence, and highest prize for strategic emerging projects in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and even nationwide.


To carry out the General Plan for Building a Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, create a better environment for scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zonein Hengqin (“the Cooperation Zone” or “the Zone”), accelerate the aggregation of global innovations, and boost the diversified development of Macao’s economy, the executive committee of the cooperation zone decided to hold The Third Hengqin Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship International Competition. The 3rd competition focuses on four areas: integrated circuit and electronic components, biomedicine, and medical devices, big data and artificial intelligence, and new material and new energy. It aims to attract enterprises with breakthrough original technology and industrialization capabilities to settle and develop in Hengqin and Macao.


The total amount of free funds for the winning teams is within 300 million yuan, among which, the amount of free funds for the first place is within 100 million yuan.

The special funds include two parts: the actual investment support of institutional investors and the R&D fund. For enterprises that gain special funds of less than 10 million yuan, their special funds are 100% allocated from the R&D fund. For enterprises that gain special funds of 10 million yuan or more, 50% of their special funds are from the actual investment support of institutional investors and 50% from the R&D fund.


Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin Executive Committee


Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin Economic Development Bureau

Supporting Organization:

Macao Special Administrative Region Economic and Technological Development BureauMacao Special Administrative Region Science and Technology Development Fund

Executive Organization:


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The Third Hengqin Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship International Competition